ten good reasons to hire a doula
Are you new to the concept of hiring a doula, but a friend has recommended one? Perhaps you’re sold on hiring one, but your partner is a bit more hesitant. Perhaps you’ve grown weary of explaining to your loved ones (no matter how well intentioned) why you would like a doula. Or perhaps you’re just curious about what a doula can do for you.
I’ve compiled a list of good reasons for you to hire a doula:
A doula is great at educating you on your options. As a childbirth educator and someone who is familiar with the routines and policies of hospital births, home births, and birth center births in our community, I am happy to help you craft a birth plan that you feel comfortable with. I can help you determine what interventions you’re willing to consider, what things you definitely want to avoid, ways to make sure you’re comfortable in any environment, nutritional and exercise choices that will benefit you and your baby, what kind of provider you’re looking for, and what direction you want to head in. Were you planning a home birth but now you’ve learned that an induction is the safest route in your circumstances? Don’t be pressured into throwing your whole birth plan out the window! Call your doula who can walk you through what to expect, and can also find ways to preserve the things that are most important to you even in new circumstances!
A doula is a great resource for comfort techniques during your birthing time! Massage, counter-pressure, music, lighting, aromatherapy, and movement throughout your birthing time are all great options to make you feel more comfortable and more supported. A good doula can help you with any or all of these options. A great doula can get creative in any environment or position to make you more comfortable.
A doula is a great support for birth partners. I’m personally a huge believer in supporting your relationship with your birth partners by educating them beforehand on comfort techniques, helping you both to practice and find what you like best, and reminding you both about your options when the time comes. I love emotionally supporting birthing people, but I always prioritize birth partners as emotional support, because they know their partners best. Birthing people deserve to feel validated and safe throughout the entire birth, and birth partners are often the “safe place” that birthing people need most. Also, certain comfort measures (massage, counter-pressure like the double-hip squeeze) can be very tiring. It’s great for partners to be able to take turns with another knowledgeable person on those measures. Ideally, you will begin your parenthood with at least one parent who has the energy necessary for the job!
A good doula can recognize signs of pre-natal and post-partum mood disorders. Sometimes you just need to vent or talk, but sometimes you are more anxious than is healthy and you could use some professional help. We are great at recognizing those signs and recommending support resources for you. As someone who has experienced these issues myself, I am passionate about helping you find the right supports for your mental health.
A good doula has trusted references for care providers, lactation consultants, pelvic floor therapists, support groups, pediatricians, chiropractors, nutritionists, mental health specialists, the works! An ideal doula will be someone who makes a concerted effort to be part of the community and connect their clients to good resources.
Doulas are expert advocates. My main focus in advocacy work is in prevention of uncomfortable interactions between the birthing family and their providers. I work proactively to help you facilitate open communication before, during, and after your birthing time. I will always be communicative and respectful, because conflict has no place in a birthing space.
Studies have shown that the mere presence of a doula in a birthing space can lower the chances of having an unplanned cesarean birth. My personal belief is that the doulas aren’t doing anything magical to achieve better birth outcomes for parents and babies. But the presence of an educated, knowledgeable witness in the birthing space creates a chance for providers to check themselves before implementing care that is not parent-centered or evidence-based. I know the questions to ask, the evidence to call upon, and most importantly of all, what your preferences are. And I’m here for it!
An ideal doula works for you, and only you. We do not work for a hospital or birthing center. Even if someone else has gifted you doula services by covering the cost, a doula answers solely to you, the birthing person. We are not required to uphold routine practices or interventions, we do not get fired if we speak up for you, and we care only about your feedback in the end.
A great doula is always available as informational, emotional, and physical support to you, even before birth. I want my clients to know that I will answer calls at any hour if you have a burning question or just need to know whether you’re experiencing an emergency. If the question is not urgent, a text will suffice, and I will answer it in a timely fashion. But the ability to call a knowledgeable advocate is invaluable when you’re dealing with the changes and upheavals (and joys!) that pregnancy can bring.
A doula knows the importance of this rite of passage. We respect pregnancy and birth and the post-partum period as the wonders they are. We recognize that birth is more than bringing forth a new life; with each new birth, a family undergoes a sacred transformation. You emerge as a new parent, even if you’re already a parent- you are you, but you are a brand new you. It is such an honor to witness that transformation, to support it, to protect it.
And as a bonus, here are a few reasons a doula might not be a great fit for you:
You’re planning to have all the interventions- bring on that epidural!
You can’t afford doula services.
You’re afraid your partner will be overshadowed.
As you may have guessed, that last list is a fake one! A truly invested doula will support your birthing choices, no matter how you plan to give birth! I’ve supported many clients with epidurals, I’ve supported inductions, I’ve supported intervention-free home birth- it’s all natural and sacred to me.
A good doula will work with you on payment plans and pricing. I save ten percent of each doula services payment and apply it towards doula services for birthing people who cannot afford my full fee. I accept payment plans, I can help you get creative with funding (a gofundme, or an opportunity for baby shower guests to contribute towards doula services, bartering services, for example.)
And finally, a good doula will never overshadow a birthing partner. They should only work to support that birthing partner to be exactly who you need them to be during this transformational time for both of you!
I sincerely hope this list has clarified any confusion you may have about the role of doula. If you have any further questions or you want to discuss any of this, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to talk with you! Remember, a good doula does not empower you- a good doula only helps you to realize your own inherent power and embrace it!